The coaching is for those who are itching for change, to manifest an idea, grow a process, build a community or a relationship. I co-actively facilitate moving forward with my client’s goals. The process includes exploration of life purpose, innate gifts and strength, compelling ideals and values, secret passions, past successes, and captivating impulses towards accomplishing goals. Plans of action are collaboratively designed with my clients to move forward into fulfillment.
I use a variety of tools to assess clients for their innate gifts and strengths and lean heavily on the nine life energies for quickly understanding the specific kind of magnificence the client possesses. For more about this tool click here.
Individual Coaching
Individuals come for coaching to make a change, create something new, accomplish a goal, develop an idea, process, strategize, or navigate through some kind of transition. The coaching process is collaboratively designed with each individual client.
Couples and Partners Coaching
Human connection is the most important thing in life. Couples coaching begins with the assumptions that each contributor to the partnership wants to improve and sustain their connection, and that each contributor is creative, resourceful and whole. We hold to the ideas that no one gets to be wrong or be made wrong, and instead all are seen as adults, fully responsible for whatever happens and responsible for cleaning up any mistakes or messes that occur within the relationship. Coaching assesses what works, what does not work, and what is needed to move the relationship towards fulfillment of mutual goals. The process involves ground rules for maintaining respect, safety, and kindness followed by co-creation of a vision for change and growth. Then an on-going period of meetings facilitates the expansion of capacity to mutually and collectively support the development of the relationship and the contributors, to meet individual and collective goals.
Parent and Family Coaching
Collaborative parenting can be a challenge. Each parent has had different experiences (growing up themselves in different families) and hold to different ideas about parenting. Parenting is an evolving process that changes as children age. This process is very similar to couples and partners coaching described above.
Leadership and Executive Coaching
Showing up as a trusted leader requires leveraging every talent, gift, strength and asset the leader possesses to move other people forward towards some defined vision, mission and purpose. Coaching leaders and executives is very similar to individual coaching when working one on one with a leader. However, coaching a leadership team is more like couples and partner coaching outlined above.